Erasmus+ exchange and bilateral agreements
Study mobility allows you to spend a semester or a year studying at a partner university abroad.
- You do not pay tuition fees at the host institution.
- Attend classes and take your exams in the partner university abroad : validate the ECTS credits (30 ECTS for the semester and 60 for the year).
- When you return to France, the IAE validates the grades and exams passed abroad.
Conditions to apply :
- Be registered at the University Savoie Mont Blanc
- Be at least in L3
- Be in a course where mobility is possible (download our detailed exchange tables by field of study)
When to prepare your mobility ?
There are 2 mobility campaigns :
Mobility for the following year (e.g. I apply in January of the current academic year for a departure in September of the following academic year) :
November/December : Information meetings
January : end of the application campaign
February : Juries and announcement of results
Late mobility (e.g. I apply in September of the current academic year for a departure in January of the current academic year) :
September (after the start of the academic year) : Information meetings and submission of applications
End of September : Juries and announcement of results
Where to go ?
Consult our interactive map or download our detailed exchange tables by field of study.
Whatever your destination, you will need to registrer on the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs' "Ariane" page.
The "Ariane" system allows you to report to the Ministry easily and free of charge. You will be alerted in case of a crisis in your destination country.
How to apply ?
Participate in the information meetings : The International Relations Department of the USMB during the international week AND the International Relations Department of the IAE (November/December and September). The dates will be communicated to you by email.
Complete the application form and attach the required documents (link sent by email).
You application has been selected by the jury ?
ATTENTION : having been selected by the IAE does not mean that you are automatically accepted by the partner university.
- Once selected, the steps will be the following
- Application for financial aid from the Region and/or Erasmus+
- Drafting of the study contract in consultation with the teacher responsible for your exchange
- The partner institution will contact you
- Application and registration in the partner institution (information provided by the partner)
- Preparation of your stay (we advise you never to buy/pay for accommodation and transport tickets before the confirmation that the host establishment has accepted you)
Specific BCI/ORA/ISEP programmes
BCI Program BCI for mobility in Québec (Canada)
ORA Program ORA for mobility in Ontario (Canada)
ISEP International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
To apply for one of these programmes, a first selection is made by the IAE Savoie Mont Blanc and if your application is accepted it will be studied by the International Relations Commission of the University Savoie Mont Blanc.
The procedures and fees are specific to each programme.
Application period : november
ATTENTION : An information meeting will be organised during the International Week of the USMB (in October). No meeting by the IAE's IR department is planned.